"we're fools whether we knit or not, so we may's well knit"

- old southern saying

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Peruvian Brown


This is a cotton blossom on one of the Phreadde Davis Peruvian Brown cotton plants. Lovely plants! I planted Nankeen earlier in the spring, and it was stunted by the last frost of April. One of those plants (all of 8" tall) is actually blooming. Nankeen is also a brown cotton. In the lower garden, I planted some of Phreadde's green cotton. It's doing alright, down in the okra bed, but nothing at all like that Peruvian Brown!


Shay said...

One of the things I miss about the South (I was stationed at various times in Virginia and North Carolina) was my garden. Toss the seeds into the ground and STAND BACK!

broadcasting from a knitting parlour said...

Shay...where do you live now?