"we're fools whether we knit or not, so we may's well knit"

- old southern saying

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

peach m e l b a, anyone?


The latest Dove's Roost Yarn is off the spindle. Dyed with Virginia Creeper, this is 50g/106 yd of 11 wpi handspun longwool - with a little pokeberry dyed Border Leicester thrown in. Softy lofty luscious. It's up for sale in the ol' Etsy store, Dove's Roost, but I feel a hankering to make a pair of mitts...Hm...

Interestingly, this roving has darkened over the year. No fadin' here! Peachy peach peach.

Yummy, neh?


slush said...

Wow! Your yarn is gorgeous!!! I am a novice, only knowing how to crochet. (Single stitch) And I think I do that very poorly as well. Ha!

Very cool blog. And thats for the linkage! Ill link up to you as well.

xo~ Laurie

Rosemarie Buchanan said...

Hello from Two Sticks and Some String! Thanks for the great feedback.
Do you have your CDL? There were several references to driving long distances, and hauling big loads... seems we may have more in common than fibre!
As for the eyes of a 13 year old? Na, just a whole bunch of dollar store reading glasses all over the place!
BTW, I love your wool... did you really use virginia creeper to dye it, or is that a reference to the actual colour? Inquiring minds want to know!
Rosemarie Buchanan, on the west coast of Canada!

broadcasting from a knitting parlour said...

Thanks for the kind words guys!

Rosemarie...nah, I don't don't have my CDL...just a pickup truck full of sound equipment and gigs all over the place. Some times I would love to just hire a driver (you, for ex) to haul our gear. But, it's expensive enough to drive ourselves.

Yes, I used Virginia Creeper. It makes a great peachy dye!