"we're fools whether we knit or not, so we may's well knit"

- old southern saying

Thursday, September 6, 2007

e c r s in a n n e marching along the elephant trail

e c r s

Ta daaaa! Here they are...Completed ribbed socks in Schaefer Anne. I made my DH try them on...oh they looked great. "Too Girly." Cripes. Well, I think it's amazing that they fit the both of us. And they surely aren't too girly for this old lady.

Two nights in a row now, the temp has gone below 70 degrees F. THAT means, one of these days, I'll be able to actually WEAR a pair of these new socks that I've knit this summer. WHOO HOO!


Anonymous said...

I have been looking for some really pointy needles, and yours look just right. Would you mind telling me what brand they are?

New Braunfels, TX

Unknown said...

h now, I love these. both for colour and design.

broadcasting from a knitting parlour said...

Robin...the needles are the ubiquitous susan bates silvalume dpn's. These needles came as a "sock set" of 4 sizes: 1.5mm, 1.75mm, 2.0mm, and 2.25mm. These socks were knit on the 2.25mm or size 1 needles.

Knitman...thanks so much! They're very cozy socks...I was going for a "thermal" design...and I got it!

The socklady said...

I will be watching for that color, love it. Think maybe 7 or 8 days so far this year I haven't worn my woolie socks, this morning temp was 24°, had a sweater on until noon.